天津君源供进口卸扣(8倍卸扣)锻造合金钢卸扣 进口卸扣简介: 合金钢弓形卸扣(带螺母销)特点 进口卸扣已经获得DNV和ABS型式认证 弓形卸扣均采用锻造合金钢,且配置有螺母销 每个弓形卸扣上印有尺寸和极限工作载荷, 所有弓形卸扣上都印有批次号码,以便于测试认证上进行核对和质量追踪。 弓形卸扣制造过程中经**磁力探伤裂纹检测。 以1.5倍极限工作载荷的作用力进行20000次的疲劳极限测试。 卸扣又名卡环,又分为弓型卡环(马蹄型卡环)、D形卡环、型号有G-209\G-210\G-2130\G-2150\G-2160等多个规格,卸扣材质有:合金钢,碳钢,不锈钢等,我公司均有现货,进口卸扣销售热线: 天津君源供进口卸扣(8倍卸扣)锻造合金钢卸扣 Trading process: with the customer to confirm a good product, we will sign a contract (the contract will be accompanied by the product picture). Customers after the remittance, we arrange the shipment and after delivery our business staff will notify the customer check, general logistics within 5 days to pieces, the courier within three days, urgent or SF, all for the "does not affect the customer to use the first". We will send a separate ticket to avoid loss or damage to the goods.. My company now Taobao open a store, you can choose to Taobao platform transactions, intentions for every customer service. 我公司经销的进口卸扣品牌有:美国CROSBY,德国JDT,奥地利,闽台等多个品牌,价位高低不同,如果您之前用的国产的,想提高一下产品安全性,又或者您之前用的进口的成本太高,想降低一下,均可与我们联系,多个焊接钩品牌,定有一款适合您,我们的销售人员会用心为您解答。